75 Front Street, Hamilton HM 12 - Phone: +1 441 2963600 - Fax: +1 441 2956209 - E-mail: info@fmgroup.bm - Mailing Address: P.O. Box HM 836, Hamilton HM CX, Bermuda

Use the form below to apply for a Temporary Pension Refund from your occupational pension plan or local retirement product under the National Pension Scheme (Occupational Pensions) 1998.


  • The total amount you are requesting exceeds the vested pension balance
  • The money you seek to have refunded is not governed by or under the National Pension Scheme (Occupational Pensions) Act 1998
  • Part of the money you seek to have refunded represents voluntary contributions (no such approval is required to withdraw any voluntary pension contributions)
  • You have pension funds in other National Pension Scheme occupational pension plans or local retirement products which, when added to this plan or local retirement product, the collective withdrawal amount exceeds $6,000
  • You have purchased an annuity. You cannot request a Temporary Pension Refund from an annuity
  • You are of normal retirement age
  • The application was received after 30th June 2023
  • You are requesting a refund from your Defined Benefit Plan


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